The slightly acidic vaginal environment and its natural microflora inhibit the development of pathogens that get into it from the outside. Protection against the penetration of further infection in the uterus and ovaries, is the mucus in the cervix. In healthy women, the excretion of mucus out is a normal physiological phenomenon. It only changes in different phases of menstrual cycle. In some cases, the appearance of women have a watery discharge is normal. But sometimes they are a serious cause of disease, treatment success depends on timely diagnosis.
What could be the cause of the natural liquid discharge in women
The consistency and amount of secretions vary depending on the stage of the cycle. The density of mucus produced by glands of the cervix depends on the balance of female hormones, ensure the production and maturation of oocytes. Immediately after the end of menstruation comes “dry” period. The minimum content of estrogen, the mucous plug is the most dense, discharge is almost absent.
The growth in the level of estrogen and maturation of the ovum, the discharge becomes more watery, and at the time of ovulation selection acquire the consistency of egg whites. The lowest density is observed within several days after ovulation (release of Mature eggs from the protective bubble). Liquid texture medium allows free passage of sperm towards the egg, and its subsequent move into the uterus. In this phase, the estrogen decreases, the main role of progesterone, the function of which is to ensure conditions for further development of the embryo.
For the best fastening of a fertilized egg in the uterus of its epithelial layer swells and becomes friable. In the tissue increases the amount of fluid. All this leads to the appearance of the woman transparent liquid discharge from the genital organs. At the end of the menstrual cycle the mucus begins to thicken. If pregnancy does not occur, there is a rejection of the endometrium (the epithelial layer), menstruation occurs, a new cycle begins.
Thus, the appearance of liquid, such as water, discharge with no odor closer to the middle and second half of the cycle is the physiological norm. In this case the woman is not observed any discomfort.
Liquid, such as water, the allocation may appear as in the following cases:
- during pregnancy;
- during sexual intercourse (due to an increase in the volume of natural lubrication during sexual arousal);
- as a result of frequent change of sexual partners (due to changes in vaginal flora);
- when hormonal changes cause that can lead to the absence of regular sex life, prevention of pregnancy, and the use of hormonotherapy drugs and antibiotics.
- due to stress, climate change, influencing biochemical processes in a woman's body, including hormone production.
Watery discharge during pregnancy
In the first trimester of pregnancy the level of progesterone remains high. This also prevents the maturation of new oocytes, and the embryo is held firmly in the uterus. So of watery discharge usually does not happen.
12-13 week starts the increase in the concentration of estrogen, which ensures the creation of new cells of the fetus and parat the woman's body for childbirth (changing the condition of the tissues of the cervix, liquefies the mucous plug). The appearance of women have a watery discharge in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy of course, if they are colorless, odorless, not accompanied by burning, itching.
At the end of pregnancy liquid, such as water, discharge occur due to the mixing of mucus with the urine. The uterus and fetus press on the bladder, causing it to not close fully.
When watery discharge during pregnancy is a sign of pathology
Threat symptoms in women are:
- the appearance of watery discharge from the first weeks of pregnancy;
- the presence of unpleasant odors (putrid, sour or fish);
- green, yellow, grey colour (indicates the presence of bacteria);
- brown or red discharge (signs of internal bleeding);
- irritation and itching of the skin in the perineum, burning sensation in the vagina;
- foam or other unusual structure of the discharge;
- temperature rise;
- pain in the lower abdomen.
These signs could indicate the occurrence of inflammation, infection with venereal infections. Creates a risk of miscarriage or complications during childbirth, the probability of infecting of the fetus during passage through the birth canal.
Addition: If all of these terrible traits in women no, but the selection like water, have a yellow color and sweet smell, it may indicate leakage of fluid from the amniotic SAC. This condition is dangerous in the middle of pregnancy, causing premature birth, fetal death. At the end of the pregnancy, the dripping evidence of the onset of labor.
In what diseases occur in women liquid discharge
The cause of watery discharge can be inflammation and infection of the genital tract, the uterus and appendages.
Oophoritis – inflammation of the fallopian tubes and ovaries. The result is damage to the engorgement and scarring of the mucous membrane, can cause edema of the tissues. There is a narrowing of the lumen of the fallopian tubes and the violation of their patency. Difficult to capture the eggs and moving them through the pipes into the uterus. Released in areas of inflammation fluid accumulates in the uterus and comes out in the form of heavy mucous secretions.
If the inflammation is not treated, it becomes chronic, the allocation crebrescunt, becoming green-yellow color from the admixture of pus.
Bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis). This disease is associated with reproduction in the vagina of pathogenic bacteria the Gardnerella due to the disruption of the natural microflora. The cause of the breach may be the wrong douching, change of sexual partners (unprotected sex), use of unsuitable contraceptives use of antibiotics.
Inflammation later spreads to the uterus and appendages. A characteristic symptom of this disease are watery, often yellow discharge with odor of fish.
Note: Gardnerella in moderation in the norm are always present in women. Dysbiosis contributes to their enhanced proliferation.
Candidiasis (thrush) - fungal infection of the vagina. The reproduction of fungi present in the microflora due to dysbiosis. This gives rise to vaginitis (inflammation of vagina) or vulvovaginitis (simultaneous failure of the external genitalia). The separation women are cheesy, have a sour smell. There is a strong burning sensation, swelling of the genitals, weakness. Becomes painful and frequent urination.
Erosion of the cervix. The causes of erosion are diverse: inflammatory and infectious diseases, injury to the cervix during abortion and childbirth. Mucous liquid secretion can have impurities of the blood. In advanced stages they become Muco-purulent.
Cervicitis. Inflammation of the cervix, often accompanying erosion. There is a great risk of infection a rising path to the uterus and appendages.
Cancer of the cervix. Copious, liquid, such as water, are due to the fact that in the damaged tissue seeps lymph.
Endometritis - diseases associated with excessive growth of the inner lining of the uterus, with its proliferation in pipes and even in the abdominal cavity. This violated the processes associated with the ovaries, and hormone production. The watery discharge has streaks of blood, unpleasant smell. They are amplified before menstruation, appear immediately after them.
Sexually transmitted disease (infectious agents transmitted sexually). These include: gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and others. Selection in the initial stage of profuse, watery, with an unpleasant odor. The consequences in women are extensive inflammation with severe complications. Must be treated both sexual partner.